Child Pornography Defense Lawyer
While child pornography is illegal, child pornography is widely available over the Internet. An accidental click or a moment of curiosity can lead to a stored, illegal image on your computer. Possession of an image makes a person subject to prosecution for both downloading and possessing kiddie porn. The government has become much more aggressive in prosecuting and tracking people through the Internet. Individuals across all social classes are being charged with child pornography offenses. A prosecution can not only ruin one’s reputation and family, but federal prosecutions for kiddie porn carry substantial mandatory minimum sentences.
A Culmination Of More Than 30 Years Of Legal Experience
If you think you are being investigated for child pornography or have already been charged, you need an aggressive and knowledgeable attorney to defend you. At Sugarman & Cannon, our criminal defense attorneys have been defending people under investigation or accused of child pornography and related crimes for more than 30 years. Our attorneys are familiar with how the prosecution works and the priorities of the state and the federal Departments of Justice. This knowledge can be the only thing between you and a prison sentence for an inadvertent download.
We defend against all kinds of child pornography-related crimes including:
- Possession of child pornography
- Production/distribution of child pornography
- Receiving/trading child pornography
- Possession of obscene material
- Soliciting a minor
- Sex with a minor
- Child molestation
- Sexual misconduct
Sex Offender Registration: Consequence For Life
A curious click on a link could lead to an image of child pornography. That image and the cookie from the link can remain on your computer and subject you to federal sex charges. Child pornography charges can have devastating social, psychological and economic consequences. Moreover, federal charges carry five and ten-year mandatory minimum sentences.
In almost any case involving allegations of sexual misconduct, individuals face the potential of registration as a sex offender. In California, registered sex offenders are banned from living in certain areas, and their whereabouts are posted on the Internet. Even if a person is placed on probation for a minor offense, the consequences of registration as a sex offender can stay with a person for life. Knowledge of the area, prosecution priorities and the personalities and priorities of individuals involved in law enforcement may help us to help you avoid registration as a sex offender.
Contact Our Offices
If you have been investigated or charged with a child pornography offense, contact our San Francisco or Oakland law offices to discuss your case.